The Main Gallery, Clayful Shapes and Bodies of Art, March 2011.
Show Description
Beyond the Embargo: Cuban & American Ceramics.
Organized by Fuller Craft Museum
and curated by Catherine Merrill, this exhibition will be on display at Fuller Craft Museum in
Brockton, MA June 11, 2009– October 18, 2009.
Art Works Downtown - Friends Along the Journey, - Baulines Craft Guild
Master Annual Exhibition, San Rafael, California 2009
Gallery of Wood Art - CODAChrome, A Snapshot of Craft in America - Saint
Paul, Minnesota 2009
Falkirk Cultural Center - Out of the Fire: Clay & Glass from ACGA - San
Rafael, California 2009
The Artists Alley Gallery
863 Mission Street (between 4th & 5th) San Francisco, California

Painted Vases at the Artist Alley Exhibit, San Francisco, California
"One Night Stand X"
ARTworkSF Gallery,
49 Geary, #234 San Francisco, CA,
February 5-16, 2008
More Information
Galeria ACAA: Asociacion Cubana de Artistas y Artesanos
Exposicion Arte del Fuego,
Matanzas, Cuba, March 15 - April 16, 2008
Marin Art & Garden Center
30 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Ross, California - Marin "
Society of Artists: Open Craft & Sculpture - April 13 - May 11, 2008
Lincoln Arts & Culture Foundation
580 Sixth Street, Lincoln, California
Feats of Clay XXI
An International Ceramics Competition & Exhibit April 30-May 25,
Pence Gallery - ACGA Group Show: Exploring the
212 D Street Davis, California - - April 25- June 1, 2008
The Artists Alley Gallery
863 Mission Street (between 4th & 5th) San Francisco, California
Grand Opening Exhibition June 2008
The Gallery at the Appalachian Center for Craft, Summer
Workshop Faculty Exhibition
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville,
Tennessee , 615-597-6801.
- May 19-August 4, 2008
Falkirk Cultural Center
1408 Mission Ave, San Rafael, California- The Parlor of Earthly
Delights-Contemporary works of fine craft from the Baulines Craft Guild and Wine
Country Woodturners June 13-August 17, 2008 415-485-3328
Dinnerware exhibit at the Falkirk Cultural Center
ArtWorks Downtown Gallery
1337 Fourth Street San Rafael, California -
Conscious Concepts: Baulines Craft Guild, Master Annual, November 7-
December 6 2007. Art Talk: The Creative Process, November 30, 2007